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North Carolina Red Wolf Habitats

University of Kentucky Geography

The map displays the state of North Carolina as well as locations with 15000 acres of natural landscape. This 15000 acres was selected due to the natural range of red wolves being a very broad range of 8-30000 acres required for habitat. By taking a number in the middle of this range, my goal is to display areas still avalible for habitat to the species. The use of "natural" lands is intended to imply minimal interference from humans on a regular basis as vehicles, fragmentation, and agriculture oftentimes disturb these places making them unable to be used for many years to follow.

Tools used in this project

  • Github origin: github.com
  • PostGIS was used to store/query the national dataset.
  • Data is shown on Mapbox web map with geolocation services enabled. If the map got popular it would require a fee to use.
  • QGIS used to convert area data to show acreages with allowable habitat.
  • Look how to create the same styles! github.com


  • Author: Christopher Bullock
  • Projection Scale: Varied
  • Software: QGIS for creation of Shape files, Mapbox used for display

  • University of Kentucky Geography